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  • Writer's pictureHannah Joy

Rose Colored Glasses

Everything looks different when you walk around with a pair of rose colored glasses on. The gray skies turn blush pink, the air feels light and serene, everything feels too pretty to touch. Almost as if there was no harm in the world. But not everybody has a pair of rose colored glasses. Neither will they think or feel the same way about putting them on. Everybody looks at life but see’s their own picture. Nobody's vision is the exact same. So what do rose colored glasses have to do with anything? Well it's a perspective. It’s all about how you see life. What is that one thing that brings a genuine smile to your face? What is it that truly makes you happy in life? What is real happiness? I can only give you a brief idea of what real peace and gratitude look like in life.

One personal goal I have set for myself is taking time out of my day to journal affirmations, and list three things I am thankful for that day. I know it sounds cheesy and like a waste of time, but trust me on this, it changes the game. I like to tell people I see everything as a blessing or a lesson. Take the bad and turn it into a growing pain that helps you grow. We repeat lessons until we learn them. But also be sure to count your blessings as well. Expressing gratitude raises our vibrations, therefore putting us on a higher energy level that attracts similar energy. Yes, we all have bad days, but without those rainy days you wouldn’t appreciate the sun. We all strive so hard to find that one exhilarating moment. We often look for it so much that we forget about what we have now. Time is precious. The present is now. Time is something we can never get back. We often live in the past thinking about our future, rather than live in the present, and dream about our future.

The first step to having a content life is being grateful for everything you have gone through. Being content and embracing the fact that everything has its own way of working out not only puts you in that vibrational alignment, but also projects peace on the mind. So smile through your sufferings you got this! Remember we’re all riding the wave of life. We can't get to the good without the bad. Yin and yang ya know? As long as we remember we are all learning our lessons in our own ways, and counting our blessings, we can truly feel happy within. So appreciate those small moments. The moments where you feel the music in the middle of the dancefloor, or the times driving around the city at night hanging out of the car window, or even just the times dancing in the middle of the kitchen at 3am. Embrace it all. Breathe in every moment because you’ll never get that same moment back.

Being content and happy where you’re at in this exact moment is the pure form of real happiness. You honestly just have to trust the process. Remember each step is a step closer to your higher purpose. But don’t forget to love yourself along the way. You deserve just as much love as anybody else on this planet. You must first come from a place of wholeness to be in service of others. Accept the fact that it’s ok to not know all the answers. We’re all on our own unique journeys in life. Just because you're a few pages behind doesn’t mean you’ll never get to the end. So find a small moment that makes you smile in everything you do and watch as you slowly fall in love with life. Find a pair of rose colored glasses and watch as everything changes color. Stop waiting for someone to always go with you on that spontaneous adventure, and take yourself out on a date. Fall in love with the beauty of life.

For the longest time I’ve dreamed of riding a helicopter. There just so happened to be a helicopter arena on the way home from my new job. I’ve been wanting to do something exhilarating on my own for so long. So I decided to take myself out on a date. As I got there the helicopter flight number just so happened to be the number 333. Which was my number. Not just a coincidence right? Definitely a sign that I was on the correct path of self love. All I can say is it was the most breathtaking moment of my own. A memory I didn’t have to share with anyone. A moment of self love. So who honestly gives a fuck about what anybody thinks. You’re the author of your own story. Do what makes you genuinely happy, and paint life with whatever colors you want to see.

I can only hope that this blog gives you something to take away to add into your own extraordinary life. Think of it as your own sacred space where you can allow yourself to feel vulnerable in your own authentic way. After all I’m just words on a paper sharing with you my experiences. Whether you choose to stick around or not, take away one small thing and plant that seed into your own garden of growth. I wish you the best of luck and love on your endeavors. Sending all positive vibes your way!


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